[拼圖] 棕髮、金髮女郎–拜占庭風格 Byzantine Heads (pair) (雷諾瓦)

棕髮、金髮女郎–拜占庭風格 Byzantine Heads : Brunette、Blonde / Alfons Maria Mocha 

品牌:雷諾瓦 Renoir


尺寸:25.5 X 37.5 cm

片數:300 pcs (15*20)


畫家:Alfons Maria Mucha  (基金會)



Byzantine Heads (pair) (1897)

Mucha regarded Byzantine civilization as the spiritual home of Slavic culture. In his style he incorporated a variety of decorative motifs inspired by Byzantine art, such as mosaic works, icons, sumptuous costumes and accessories.

This pair of decorative panels was so popular that it was reproduced in a number of different formats, including panels with variations in the frame decoration and decorative tin plates.

Both women are seen in profile against an ornate background of vegetal arabesques. They wear highly ornate jewellery in their hair, which is evocative of Byzantine design as suggested in the title. In both panels, strands of hair fall beyond the circular frames, bridging the gap between the women and the viewer and lending a sense of depth to the otherwise flattened compositions. The exquisite pattern surrounding the circular frames simulates lacework, another decorative element familiar in Moravian craftwork.

看完文字描述 (1),還是離「拜占庭風格」有些距離,即使我很喜歡拜占庭帝國 (整個離題

Byzantine Heads: Brunette

從構築頭飾的一部分吊墜中,窺見慕夏後期發展的珠寶風格。在前一年的Zodiac (1896)中,也能見到類似設計。

基於這些精緻的設計,巴黎珠寶商Georges Fouquet開始與慕夏在珠寶上的合作,作品在1900年巴黎國際展覽中獲得很高的評價。

Byzantine Heads: Blonde


喜歡棕髮女郎,卻不得不承認金髮女郎比較上相。好奇正面看會是怎樣?頭巾 with 珍珠金屬圓盤,有點難以想像耶!


(1) 拜占庭藝術是什麼?


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