[木質拼圖] 處暑 ChuShu (Limit of Heat) (海裡魚)

二十四節氣–處暑 The 24 Solar Terms – Limit of Heat / Cinyee Chiu

Brand:海裡魚 HelloFish

Size:13 * 18 cm

Pieces:65 pcs

Type : Wooden puzzles

Finish date:20210804

Artist : Cinyee Chiu


二十四節氣 24 Solar Terms

A personal project in 2014. I designed and illustrated animals for the traditional East Asian 24 solar terms.

For each term, I merged the featured vegetable or fruit, or the special environmental changes of that weather into the animal.

Not all the terms has a related animal, and usually several terms share the same vegetables. I tried to select and arrange them for better design and visual diversity.



ChuShu (Limit of Heat) | Bamboo shoot.

  • 鷹乃祭鳥:鷹感知秋之肅氣,開始大量捕獵,並將捕到的獵物擺放在地上,如同陳列祭祀。
  • 天地始肅:萬物開始凋零,充滿肅殺之氣。
  • 禾乃登:禾者,穀連藁秸之總名;登,意即成熟,指開始秋收。



“處” means to hide and terminate, which represents the end of summer and the start of colder climate. The old farm saying goes, “Sowing until after Limit of Heat is better than selling sundries.” which means that you gain more by transplanting rice seedlings until after Limit of Heat than carrying and selling sundries on the street.

The design uses hedgehog as representation with the addition of bamboo shoot elements, a seasonal vegetable, to its back and mung beans on its face for the finishing touch. The overall arrangement doesn’t have an out of place feeling and is quite lovely and full of strong autumn vibe.






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