[木質拼圖] 驚蟄 JingZhe (Awakening of Insects) (海裡魚)

二十四節氣–驚蟄 The 24 Solar Terms – Awakening of Insects / Cinyee Chiu

Brand:海裡魚 HelloFish

Size:16 * 16 cm

Pieces:65 pcs

Type : Wooden puzzles

Finish date:20210116

Artist : Cinyee Chiu

二十四節氣 24 Solar Terms

A personal project in 2014. I designed and illustrated animals for the traditional East Asian 24 solar terms.

For each term, I merged the featured vegetable or fruit, or the special environmental changes of that weather into the animal.

Not all the terms has a related animal, and usually several terms share the same vegetables. I tried to select and arrange them for better design and visual diversity.



JingZhe (Awakening of Insects) | Thunderstorms wake up the hibernating insects.

  • 桃始華:桃花紅,自此漸盛。
  • 倉庚鳴:黃鹂叫鳴。庚,亦作鶊,黃鸝也。
  • 鷹化為鳩:鷹,蟄鳥也,鷂鸇之屬;鳩,即今之布穀。古人認為猛鷹、鷙禽受到春日生生不息的大環境所感化後,彎鉤的嘴喙會變直,變成仁鳩、良禽。



The third solar term of spring. The weather is warming up and the roaring of spring thunder and torrential rain abruptly awake the animals that hibernate underground. The rain increases, the arrival of spring is more apparent, and all creatures are starting to grow. Insects Awaken has been seen as the time to start spring ploughing since ancient times.

The design uses lizard to represent hibernating animals. The addition of spring thunder and lighting, as well as the elements of suitable fruits and vegetables for Insects Awaken symbolize the incoming warm spring and blossoms.




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