[拼圖] Little Scientist (Mudpuppy)

Little Scientist / Lydia Ortiz & Patrick Rafanan


Size:51 * 51 cm

Pieces:500 pcs (20*25)

Finish date:20200522

Artist : Lydia Ortiz & Patrick Rafanan

Source : 二手拼



Co illustrated with Patrick Rafanan!!! As a follow up to Little Feminist, Mudpuppy utilized my obsession with popular science to develop Little Scientist, releasing Fall of 2018. To transition from our girl power best seller, we made sure we included plenty of women scientists along with their male counterparts.

Our research showed that science has been a strong influence in children’s media and pop culture in the past couple of years, from the Maker movement to integrating STEM learning in children’s tv shows, toys, and games.








[Chemistry] prove new elements may exist.

Marie Curie 瑪麗·居禮

[Physics] teach that curiosity is important.

Albert Einstein 阿爾伯特·愛因斯坦

[Physics] explains how gravity works.

Isaac Newton 艾薩克·牛頓

[Astronomy] reveals more than our eyes can see.

Vera Rubin 薇拉·魯賓

[Primatology] prove that chimps have feeling tod.

Jane Goodall 珍·古德

[Physics] can stop a beam of light.

Lene Hau 萊娜·豪

[Marine Biology] uncovers mysteries of the ocean.

Jacques Cousteau 雅克-伊夫·庫斯托

[Chemistry] explains how molecules make us unique.

Rosalind Franklin 羅莎琳·富蘭克林

[Astronomy] teaches that the cosmos is vast.

Carl Sagan 卡爾·薩根

[Paleontology] uncovers prehistoric secrets.

Mary Anning 瑪麗•安寧

[Chemistry] helps keep us strong and healthy.

Louis Pasteur 路易·巴斯德

[Physics] can lunch us to the moon and back.

Katherine Johnson 凱薩琳·強森

[Chemistry] proves the power of the peanut.

George Washington Carver 喬治·華盛頓·卡弗

[Planetary Science] shares pictures of outer space.

Carolyn Porco 卡羅琳·波爾科

[Astronomy] teaches to dream beyond our galaxy.

Edwin Hubble 愛德溫·哈伯

[Biology] reveals how living things evolve.

Charles Darwin 查爾斯·達爾文


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