[木質拼圖] 穀雨 GuYu (Grain Rain) (海裡魚)

二十四節氣–穀雨 The 24 Solar Terms – Grain Rain / Cinyee Chiu

Brand:海裡魚 HelloFish

Size:11 * 25 cm

Pieces:65 pcs

Type : Wooden puzzles

Finish date:20210116

Artist : Cinyee Chiu

二十四節氣 24 Solar Terms

A personal project in 2014. I designed and illustrated animals for the traditional East Asian 24 solar terms.

For each term, I merged the featured vegetable or fruit, or the special environmental changes of that weather into the animal.

Not all the terms has a related animal, and usually several terms share the same vegetables. I tried to select and arrange them for better design and visual diversity.



GuYu (Grain Rain) | Time to plant ginger, Peony blooms.

  • 萍始生:萍,水草也。
  • 鳴鳩拂其羽:鳩,即鷹所化者,布穀也;拂,過擊也。當三月之時,趨農急矣,鳩乃追逐而鳴,鼓羽直刺上飛。
  • 戴勝降於桑:戴勝,鳥名。戴勝鳥降落於桑樹之時,為蠶將生之候。古人認為,如果戴勝鳥不落桑樹上,說明政令教化會落空。



The last solar term of spring. The weather warms up swiftly and rain continue to increase. It is the time for peonies to be in full bloom. Peony blossoms have gorgeous colors. They are dignified and graceful, which is why they are regarded as the “King of Flowers”.

Peony elements are added to the design to inject a vitality into the end of spring. The peonies are blooming on the top of the antlers, raindrops are blending into the back, the deer feet are turning into gingers that dispel cold and warm up stomach. The elegant Sika deer is with aura and its color are lively and harmonious.




  1. 「穀雨時節牡丹開」,所以牡丹別稱為「穀雨花」。
  2. 穀雨後的天氣會變得潮溼,而氣候潮溼對腸胃不好,需要吃點暖胃食材,如生薑。





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