[木質拼圖] 立夏 Lixia (Start of Summer) (海裡魚)

二十四節氣–立夏 The 24 Solar Terms – Start of Summer / Cinyee Chiu

Brand:海裡魚 HelloFish

Size:18 * 13 cm

Pieces:65 pcs

Type : Wooden puzzles

Finish date:20210504

Artist : Cinyee Chiu

二十四節氣 24 Solar Terms

A personal project in 2014. I designed and illustrated animals for the traditional East Asian 24 solar terms.

For each term, I merged the featured vegetable or fruit, or the special environmental changes of that weather into the animal.

Not all the terms has a related animal, and usually several terms share the same vegetables. I tried to select and arrange them for better design and visual diversity.



Lixia (Start of Summer) | Asparagus; peach.

  • 螻蟈鳴:「ㄌㄡˊ ㄍㄨㄛ」,古時稱青蛙為「螻蟈」。
  • 蚯蚓出:蚯蚓,即地龍也。
  • 王瓜生:葫蘆科,多年生蔓草,生於原野間;根呈塊狀,味如山藥;花期夏季,果熟期10月。



Start of Summer signifies the official start of summer and rain increase even more. Plants sowed in spring are gradually growing up at this time and the land is entering the phase that all creatures are growing and flourishing.

The design uses frog to represent animals of summer with elements of asparagus, an abundant seasonal vegetable, and bright and bold colors to display the beauty of early summer.





超級喜歡這個圖中圖—豬腳麵(Pig Trotter Vermicelli),各種含意上。



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