[拼圖] Little Feminist (Mudpuppy)

Little Feminist / Lydia Ortiz & Susanna Ko、Emily Kleinman


Size:51 * 51 cm

Pieces:500 pcs (20*25)

Finish date:20201130

Artist : Lydia Ortiz & Susanna Ko、Emily Kleinman

Source : 二手拼

3/8是國際婦女節,應景分享這篇文章。在臺灣,還有另一個紀念女權運動的日子:11/30 臺灣女權日。


Art directed, designed and illustrated the Little Feminist Series for Mudpuppy. I also concepted and created this format with the Mudpuppy team as I brought up the lack of fresh themes in our line that are relevant to our current political times.

We created an empowering book set inspired by the feminist movement and the women’s march of January 2017. We also wanted this product to educate and inspire both the the parents and their children.


Amelia Earhart 愛蜜莉亞·艾爾哈特

Rosa Parks 羅莎·帕克斯 

Frida Kahlo 芙烈達·卡蘿

Indira Gandhi 英迪拉·甘地

Cleopatra 克麗奧佩脫拉七世

Ella Fitzgerald 艾拉·費茲潔拉

Elizabeth I 伊莉莎白一世

Hillary Clinton 希拉蕊·柯林頓

Harriet Tubman 哈莉特·塔布曼

Gloria Steinem 格洛麗亞·斯泰納姆

Malala Yousafzai 馬拉拉·尤沙夫賽

Maya Angelou 馬雅·安傑洛

Sally Ride 莎莉·萊德

Billie Jean King 比莉·珍·金

Maria Curie 瑪麗·居禮

Josephine Baker 約瑟芬·貝克




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