[木質拼圖] 小寒 XiaoHan (Minor Cold) (海裡魚)

二十四節氣–小寒 The 24 Solar Terms – Minor Cold / Cinyee Chiu

Brand:海裡魚 HelloFish

Size:15 * 24 cm

Pieces:65 pcs

Type : Wooden puzzles

Finish date:20211018

Artist : Cinyee Chiu


二十四節氣 24 Solar Terms

A personal project in 2014. I designed and illustrated animals for the traditional East Asian 24 solar terms.

For each term, I merged the featured vegetable or fruit, or the special environmental changes of that weather into the animal.

Not all the terms has a related animal, and usually several terms share the same vegetables. I tried to select and arrange them for better design and visual diversity.



XiaoHan (Minor Cold) | Eurasian magpie start to feel the warm and build the nest; crown daisy.

  • 雁北鄉:鄉,嚮導之義。大雁在此時飛回北方。與白露第一候相呼應。
  • 鵲始巢:鵲,喜鵲也。喜鵲頂著寒氣開始築巢。
  • 雉始鴝:雉,野雞也;雊,求偶的鳴聲。早春臨近,野雞開始求偶。







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